About the Company
Matilda Tech collaborates with software developers across the globe to design, build and maintain custom software solutions.
The company was founded in 2019 by Peter Love, who has worked in the IT sector for 24 years. He worked in corporate IT in Sydney, Australia for over a decade for a number of start-up tech companies, before branching out to offer technological solutions to industries that don’t have ready-access to software developers.
Since then, he’s worked on cattle stations in rural Australia, military compounds in Afghanistan, radio stations in South Sudan and with non-profits across the globe. He has built software solutions for the legal, music, AdTech and radio industries. He has also worked with internet service providers (wholesale and retail), on award-winning network optimization projects and is currently creating IoT (internet of things) solutions for the power and agriculture industries.
Peter moved to Oxford, Mississippi in 2018, with his wife.